Eliminate Spam, Unlock Revenue

Join the anti-spam coalition to jointly create a protocol that eliminates 100% of spam and fake accounts.


Why Join the Anti-Spam Coalition?

Watch this video to explore why spam still exists and what to do about it.

Spam will never disappear until enterprises unite to create a protocol for content filtering that protects user rights.

For Communication Providers

Telecom Providers

Stop robocalls, spam texts, and unwanted voicemails at the source. Be your customer's hero by protecting and saving them time.

Email Providers

Provide 100% spam-free inboxes and Guaranteed Email Delivery. Increase user satisfaction and build trust in your service.

Social Media Companies

Eliminate fake profiles, bot activity, and malicious content. Create a safer and more engaging platform for your users.


Recruiting Six Founding Partners: Join the Coalition to Eliminate Spam

We're actively seeking 3-6 founding enterprise partners to launch our Anti-Spam Coalition. This initiative, led by the Anti-Spam Guy, aims to develop a groundbreaking protocol that will permanently eradicate spam. By uniting key industry players, we can create a spam-free digital landscape for the benefit of all consumers.

The Coalition's Three Objectives


Create a Standardized Protocol for User-Controlled Content Filtering

Spam will never go away until enterprises come together to create a protocol for content filtering that protects user rights. Will your company be among the first?


Launch New Products With New Revenue Streams

Coalition members will pioneer groundbreaking capabilities within their industries. For example, email providers will earn billions more in profit we coalition members develop guaranteed delivery of 100% of email.


Reduce Operational Expenses and User Frustration

Coalition members benefit from shared resources, collective intelligence, and a unified approach to permanently end spam across all communication channels. We estimate this proactive approach can reduce anti-spam costs up to 75%, while also decreasing user frustrations.

My mission is to unite people and enterprises to adopt the solutions necessary to eliminate 100% of spam.

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